Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Start

So, I decided to try my hand at this blogging thing. I especially wanted to document my move from South Florida, where I was born and raised, to the beautiful state of Ohio (go Buckeyes even though I don't watch sports). I am tired of living in an overcrowded, hot state. I want snow! I want to see the season's changing. I want a slower pace in life.

Moving 1200 miles away from my home state is a huge deal to me! And my family. My Hubby got a very good job at a cattle farm. Yes, you read that right! A cattle farm. He's the maintenance manager. He gets to have fun all day walking in cow manure. And playing on tractors. And some days he even gets to rustle cattle if there is a "jail break". Jealous yet?

So, if you're reading this and have gotten this far, thank you! I hope to make you laugh, cry, smile, or whatever other emotion it is you are looking for in life. I know I will be jumping in, feet first :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Jo! You will enjoy blogging all your thoughts and happening and be surprised how many will stop and read about you, your family and your critters and even enjoy your cooking as I do often. God bless you and your family. Critters too !
